(F/N) scoffed, "You're the only person who can upset me," Kitty smiled, "I know." (F/N) walked away, he toweled his face off "How about this? If I do fifteen you.go on a date with me." Kitty was slightly take aback but still laughed, "Alright do it," (F/N) looked at Piotr, "Hey big man, I need you one more time." Colossus sighed but walked over to the bar, (F/N) walked over to the bar, not breaking his scowl from Kitty. Pretty impressive right?" Kitty smiled, "Yeah, you did good, but." (F/N) frowned, "Rouge did ten pull ups with Colossus." (F/N) got angry, "that's not fair, she absorbed Juggernauts powers, you know that doesn't count." Kitty smiled, "She did more than you, so it counts," (F/N) stood up, "you're just saying that to get me angry." Kitty smiled, "Don't feel bad if you're the second strongest x-man." (F/N) looked at Kitty angry, he tried to push her lightly but his hand went through her shoulder. (F/N) walked over to Kitty, and sat down next to her, "So.did you see me? I was able to pull Colossus up. (F/N) didn't feel to tired,he looked at Kitty and smiled, she was resting from her workout. (F/N) nodded to Piotr in thanks, the metal man nodded as well and went back to his weights. (F/N) felt the big man pull on him, (F/N) felt like his body was going to rip in half but he managed to do 6 pull ups, before he had to let go. (F/N) let out a puff, it helped him pull, despite the effort, thankfully the bar was made out of adamantium so it didn't bend so easily. (F/N) walked over and grabbed the bar, Colossus laid on the ground, and grabbed (F/N) by the legs. Piotr laughed slightly, but nonetheless walked over to the pull up bar. "Could you hold my legs while I do pull ups, I feel like challenging myself slightly." The only two people their were Piotr and Kitty, (F/N) walked up to Piotr, he was dead lifting 5,000 pounds, "Hey Piotr," the metal man dropped his weight carefully and looked at the smaller mutant. (F/N) let go of the bar after awhile, he turned to look around the gym in the X-mansion. (F/N) kept counting as he kept doing more pull ups, "339.340.341," (F/N) was a mutant, his powers, he couldn't feel pain, he had super strength, and he had a healing factor like Wolverine.